East, Old and Inverarity

Tel: 07897 456655
e-mail the Office

Sunday Notices: 6th October 2024

Please stay behind for refreshments after morning worship
Monday 7th - Music Cafe at 2pm - E & O Church
Well Bean Cafe
at 12 noon 
- E & O Church
    - Friends R' Us at 2pm - E & O Church
Cosy Corner
at 12 noon 
- E & O Church
Wee Blether at 9:30am  -  E & O Church office
    - Art Group at 1:30pm in E & O Social Area
Sunday 13th - Stated Anuual Meeting   - E & O Church
Upcoming Events
Monday 7th & Thursday 10th – 10am to 12 noon in East & Old Reception area Arts & Crafts/Lego/games(Packed lunch provided)
Thursday 10th – 6:30 to 8:30pm - Movie Night in East & Old Church, tuck shop available, £1.50 per person and under 5’s free
Wednesday 16th & Thursday 17th - 10am to 12 noon in East & Old Reception area - Arts & Crafts/Lego/games (Packed lunch provided)
Friday 18th  - 6:30 to 8:30pm Movie Night in East & Old Church, tuck shop available, £1.50 per person and under 5’s free
Anyone wishing to help on those days with various things,  please contact our Family Worker Sheila to arrange
Friday 18th – "Harvest Hooley" - 7pm Inverarity Church Hall,
Tickets priced at £10 (numbers limited to 60 only)
A new Bible Reading Rota is available at East & Old Church.
Please add your name to the list, if this is something you would like to take part in on a Sunday morning.
Volunteers needed each Sunday for refreshments after the East & Old service.
Need a lift to church any Sunday – please let us know!
Please pick up a monthly diary sheet for October & November     
or check the website calendar for all upcoming events

Locum: Rev Malcolm Rooney Tel. 07909 993233

Interim Moderator: Rev John Orr Tel. 01575 572819 

Charity Number – SC 004921  
Copyright Licence – CCLI 2535604
East, Old and Inverarity Parish is a member of the Church of Scotland





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